
Admissions Procedure

The majority of Walthamstow Hall Senior School students usually proceed directly into the Walthamstow Hall Sixth Form.  The foundations for Sixth Form life are laid in Years 10 and 11 with sample lessons, taster days, study skills development and personalised discussion of A Level subject choices.

Year 12 is also an established entry point for new students and every year we are pleased to welcome new girls join from a variety of other schools.

Offers to prospective Sixth Form students are made on the basis of the outcome of an interview with a senior member of staff, the Head’s report from the student’s existing school and predicted GCSE grades.  Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship are assessed in the Spring term preceding the September of entry.

Both existing Walthamstow Hall students and prospective new students are invited to apply for Sixth Form scholarships and awards.

Key Dates for Year 12 Student Entry

Sixth Form scholarships will be assessed in the Spring term before entry.  Applications for non scholarship Sixth Form places can be received throughout the year and conditional offers are made based on GCSE grades.  However, it may not be possible to accommodate all A Level choices for applications submitted later on in the Spring or Summer terms.

For further information please contact the Registrar, Mrs Knight, on 01732 468703, registrar@whall.school

Application Process

  • Applications for Sixth Form entry must be received on the School’s Registration Form.
  • A Head’s report and predicted GCSE grades are requested from the student’s current school.
  • The prospective student will have an interview with a senior member of staff.
  • A waiting list of pupils not offered places because of over subscription is established.

Late applications will be dealt with on receipt depending on availability of places.

Walthamstow Hall Policies

Selection Procedure

Selection will be made by the Headmistress, assisted by such appropriate senior staff as she wishes.  Applications can be made for each year group where there are places available.

Admissions Criteria

Places will be offered to girls who demonstrate their academic potential and the likelihood that they will benefit from the ethos of the School, and the broad and challenging education provided by the School.

The selection will be based on:

  • a Head’s report from previous schools, including assessment data e.g. predicted GCSE grades
  • an interview with appropriate staff at the School
  • the parents’ expressed preference in choice of schools where they have applied to more than one school, should there be more applicants for places than there are available.  In this instance, Walthamstow Hall may take into account whether it is the first choice of school.

Selection Criteria in an oversubscribed year

Where all things are equal the following criteria will be used:

  • a daughter of a missionary
  • a sibling whose sister is in the School at the date of the application
  • in the event of a tie-breaker proving necessary, the School will, as a last resort, take into account the proximity of home to School
  • parents’ expressed preference in choice of school where they have applied to more than one school.

Appeals and Complaints

The Headmistress’s decision is final, but if a parent has a concern about the admission process, the complaint should be discussed first of all with the Headmistress, and if there is no satisfactory outcome, a complaint can be made to the Governing Body.  The complaint should be put in writing to the Clerk to the Governing Body.  A committee of the Governing Body will consider the complaint and make a ruling.

Terms and Conditions

Walthamstow Hall’s Terms and Conditions

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