

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Our vision is that pupils achieve their true potential and be fully prepared to lead challenging and fulfilling lives as they transition from Walthamstow Hall into the ever-changing world of work.

Walthamstow Hall is committed to providing effective preparation for our pupils for their future lives and to developing employability skills and ensuring pupils are well-equipped for the current and future labour market.  Through a planned programme of CEIAG, which is an integrated part of all subjects, we aim to provide a learning environment which allows and encourages pupils to tackle real-life challenges which require them to manage risk and develop skills for life such as self-awareness, decision-making, opportunity awareness and transition skills.  By helping pupils with decisions at crucial transitional stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work, we aim to prepare them for life after School whichever path they choose.

As recognition of our successful CEIAG programme, Walthamstow Hall fully achieved The Quality in Careers Standard in September 2021.

Walthamstow Hall’s Careers Strategy is linked to the Careers Development Institute’s (CDI) Career Development Framework and the Gatsby Benchmarks. It aims is to provide up-to-date and accurate information and impartial advice and guidance around four key elements:

  • self-awareness – pupils understand themselves and their influences
  • career exploration – to investigate opportunities in higher and further education and the career pathways they might follow including high-quality alternatives to fulltime university
  • career management – to make and adjust plans to manage change and transition
  • skill acquisition – to accumulate a set of transferable life skills which will give pupils an advantage in future applications

Walthamstow Hall has an active Careers Department to provide CEIAG to all pupils led by our full-time Careers Leader who organises the whole school CEIAG programme and is responsible for the design implementation, review and modification of the school’s CEIAG programme.  As a registered careers professional, they provide impartial and confidential one-to-one careers guidance interviews to all pupils at key decision-making stages.

We have a well-resourced Careers Centre situated in a central position at the Senior School which contains a set of computers, books, university prospectuses and files/other information on a large selection on careers and courses. All Senior School pupils have access to Unifrog, an online tool providing a one-stop-shop to explore their interests and research universities and apprenticeships.

Throughout the Senior School years, pupils engage with employers and alumnae, participate in skills workshops and talks delivered by inspirational speakers, alumnae and higher education providers.  In Year 10 pupils have the opportunity to complete online psychometric profiling to measure their skills and evaluate their interests and aspirations.  The detailed results provided further study and career options and assists in the selection of A Level subjects and future career planning. In Years 9, 11, and 12 all pupils have a one-to-one careers guidance interview to discuss and review their career ideas.

The support from alumnae, specialist agencies and providers, higher education and training providers and employers enhances our CEIAG programme.  Please, email careers@whall.school should you wish to discuss opportunities to engage with pupils.

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Year 13 Destinations

Walthamstow Hall gains Careers Award

Refer to our Policies page for our Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance policy

Where Next?