
The Junior and Senior Head Girl Teams joined the School’s Senior Management Group last week, introducing themselves and describing their roles to their School’s key decision-makers.

Junior School Head Girl Charlotte and her deputies Seniz and Cici told SMG they were looking forward to helping at School Council, Friendly Fridays, Harvest Festival and the Carol Service this term. They shared the Junior School’s lunch favourites as being apple crumble, ice cream, roast potatoes and sorbets.

Their Senior counterparts, Abby and Olivia (Head Girl Sarah was absent on medical grounds) passed on their top tips for the role: talk to pupils in different year groups and act as mentors for younger pupils to help them with friendships and schoolwork.

The Junior team thanked Director of Digital Services Mr Cole for the new Junior School iPads. They listened as Headmistress Ms Chamberlain told them Walthamstow Hall Friends & Parents (WHF&P) had approved the Junior pupils’ bid for new equipment and seating in the playground. The bid was made by a working party of pupils from across the Junior School.

The young team rose brilliantly to the challenge of the meeting and were invited to attend SMG next Half Term to report on how the iPads are helping in lessons.

This is perfect opportunity to thank the Walthamstow Hall Friends and Parents for their amazing support of the school and incredible fund raising efforts. The new playground equipment will be a significant investment and will benefit all Junior School pupils. The School greatly appreciates this wonderful contribution. We will be sure to follow up when the new equipment is installed.

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