
Well done Danielle and Isabella who finished in the top half of an impressive field of seventy teams debating at the Cambridge Union Society at the weekend.

It was a great achievement in itself to have reached the finals of the International Competition for Young Debaters; more than six hundred teams from the UK, Canada, Ireland and Singapore had entered the event and only seventy made it through.

The Cambridge Union Society is the oldest debating society in the UK and our Year 10 students spoke on the same stage as previous speakers Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and almost every UK Prime Minister.

Danielle and Bella beat Harrow in the first round on the motion ‘This House would ban for-profit universities’ and continued to improve their standing over the day, placing first in their debate on whether prisoners should be allowed lesser sentences by participating in clinical trials. They finished amongst the top half of all the finalists – which is a fantastic result for novice debaters. Danielle and Bella, we applaud your success!

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