
Thank you to Year 12 Isabella whose idea to collect in hardware for redistribution to pupils in local schools having difficulty accessing online learning has led us to the fantastic work being done in our community by #laptoplibrary.

#laptoplibrary is an initiative run by Fine Tuned Tech, Sevenoaks to help facilitate education for all during the pandemic. #laptoplibrary are building a bank of donated laptops to constantly have out on loan to families in need. Run entirely by volunteers, #laptop library securely wipes donated laptops using professional technology before lending them out to families who need them. When a family’s need for the laptop ends it is simply returned to the laptop library to be wiped again before going out to another family, all at no cost to the families involved.

If you have a used laptop which you would like to donate, first, and very importantly, please check the list on the following link to make sure it will be able to support the technologies that schools need  Laptop Donation Criteria

If your laptop meets these criteria simply bring it to the Hub reception at the Senior School between 9am and 4pm Monday – Friday where we can collect it in and pass it on. If at all possible please drop your laptop off by 4pm on Friday 5 February. STOP PRESS, this deadline has been extended to 4pm on Wednesday 10 February.

If you would like to support this initiative but do not have a laptop to donate #laptoplibrary are also in desperate need of funds to repair some of the machines which have been donated, or to replace a missing mouse or cable. #laptoplibrary also have a dream of being in a position to buy some new laptops to lend out through the scheme. Financial donations can be made at Laptop Library Just Giving Page

#laptoplibrary have already helped local families, from A-level students, to teachers, to primary school age children but are aware that there are many more families for whom a donated laptop would make a huge difference.

If you have any further queries please get in touch with laptoplibrarysevenoaks@gmail.com

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